“The Instagramming and unboxing mass of inspirational lifestyle gurus known as influencers are only becoming increasingly central to the marketing strategies of fashion and luxury brands in 2018.” Influencers are taking to new heights this year!

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“The way we ask for recommendations has evolved. Whereas once upon a time we may have asked a neighbor to recommend a product or service, 47& of millennials now turn to social media for recommendations and reviews before deciding on a purchase. But these consumers aren’t always going to the social media accounts of brands. Much of the time, they're visiting the profiles of a special breed of social media personalities: influencers.”

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‘Influencers promote products they really care about and the brand gets authentic positive review.' Great interview with Omri Bitan!

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“Do you work with influencers? Wondering how best to comply with disclosure guidelines? In this article, you’ll discover how to properly protect your business when participating in influencer campaigns. #1: Use Built-In Disclosure Tools for Top Social Platforms One positive result from the efforts of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to increase transparency is that […]”

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“In Digiday’s Confessions series, we trade anonymity for honesty from individuals in media and marketing. Our best Confessions from 2017 touched on topics spanning from The New York Times’ editorial layoffs to influencer fraud and agency culture.”

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